Loop Om

A rare and small example of the immortal Look Om  Pong Maha Jinda Manee Montr, in the Nuea Chompoo Pink Tone, of Pra Palad Parn, of Wat Tukata, (Nakorn Pathom), created by the renowned Luang Por Pra Palad Parn in his world-famous Jinda Manee Powders, in a small Pim Lek size (approximately 1.2 cm) and in pristine condition, is a remarkable exhibit of this exceptional Master’s Wicha in the making of his inimitable Muan Sarn Sacred powder balls.

Look OM Pra Palad Parn

Pra Palad Parn was a skilled practitioner of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders and the Wicha Jinda Maha Mani Montr. He also held the position of Kroo Ba Ajarn, or senior teacher, to several renowned masters, including the esteemed Luang Phu Bun of Wat Klang Bang Gaew.

Pra Palad Parn is widely recognized as a renowned master of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders, and his legacy continues to be celebrated through the lineage of esteemed practitioners he mentored. According to various publications, Pra Palad Parn was the Kroo Ba Ajarn (senior teacher) of the Great Luang Phu Bun of Wat Klang Bang Gaew, who received and perpetuated the famous Wicha Jinda Manee Montr from Pra Palad Parn. This lineage has been passed down through generations at Wat Klang Bang Gaew, with notable recipients including Luang Por Perm, Ajarn Bai, Luang Phu Juea, and Luang Por Kong (Sanya). While the concept of a “top 5” or “top 10” is subjective and based on human opinion, Pra Palad Parn’s influence on the practice of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders is undeniable.

Look Om Jindamanee Mont Pra Palad Parn Wat Tukata

Pra Palad Parn was a master of the Wicha Jinda Manee Montr, a sacred power believed to possess the ability to summon animals and fish. According to legend, he was known for his exceptional skill in harnessing the power of Metta Maha Niyom, which allowed him to call crows and vultures to land on his arm and stroke their heads. Additionally, he was said to have the ability to call fish to the surface of the water in the Kong Bang Gaew river. These abilities were reportedly demonstrated during the annual Kathina robe offering ceremony, a significant event in Thai Buddhist tradition where devotees donate robes to monks.

Pra Palad Parn was a highly revered figure in Thai Buddhist tradition, renowned for his mastery of the Wicha Jinda Manee Montr, a sacred power believed to grant the ability to summon animals and fish. This esoteric knowledge was passed down through generations of Thai spiritual practitioners and was regarded with great awe and respect.

According to legend, Pra Palad Parn’s exceptional skill in harnessing the power of Metta Maha Niyom was unparalleled. This power, which translates to “great loving-kindness,” allowed him to establish a deep connection with the natural world. Specifically, he was known for his ability to call crows and vultures to land on his arm and gently stroke their heads, an act that symbolized his profound respect for all living beings.

Close up of Muan Sarn of the Look Om Pra Palad Parn

Furthermore, Pra Palad Parn was said to have the remarkable ability to call fish to the surface of the water in the Kong Bang Gaew river. This was reportedly demonstrated during the annual Kathina robe offering ceremony, a significant event in Thai Buddhist tradition where devotees donate robes to monks. The sight of fish swimming to the surface of the water in response to Pra Palad Parn’s call was a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of all living beings and the importance of practicing loving-kindness towards all.

Pra Palad Parn’s Look Om amulets are widely regarded as one of the most exceptional and powerful in the history of Muan Sarn Sacred Powders. However, it is important to note that the concept of a “top 5” or “top 10” is subjective and based on human opinion rather than an objective measure of magical power, and that in reality, there are many more than ten great masters of Look Om, and many powerful Look Om amulets throughout the ages have gained their own inimitable and legendary fame.

The Look Om Jindamanee Mont Pra Palad Parn, originates from the esteemed Wat Tukata Temple in Nakorn Pathom. The unique design and meticulous craftsmanship of this artifact suggest the presence of exceptional spiritual properties. The sacred powder used in its construction is believed to be imbued with blessings and incantations by the revered monk, Pra Palad Parn, making it a highly desirable item for collectors and spiritual practitioners. The opportunity to acquire this remarkable piece and benefit from its spiritual significance is not to be missed.

Sacred Mak Tui Amulet Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang

One of the Great and Ultra-Rare Classic ‘Krueang Rang’ type Talismanic Amulets of the Previous Century; the Sacred Hmak Tui Mad Chueak, cord-bound lacquered Blessed Areca Nut, from the Venerable Luang Phu Iam of Wat Hnang. The Hmak Tui Sacred Areca Nut amulet is recognized as one of the distinguished Classic Pra Niyom Master Class Ancient Amulets created by Luang Phu Iam Suwannasarō (2375 – 2469 BE), of Wat Hnang (and Wat Ko Non). Estimated to be from the Mid-Era, around 2450 BE. Renowned for its Maha Lap Wealth Accumulation, Serm Duang Good Karma, Kong Grapan Klaew Klaad Invincibility and Evasion, and Metta Maha Niyom Mercy Charm powers.

Mak Tui Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang Sacred Areca Nut Ancient Thai Amulet

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Free Registered Air Parcel Shipping Worldwide is Included with this Amulet. The Hmak Tui is additionally adorned in a traditional manner, featuring a magical spellbound ritual cord wrap and a herbal lacquer coating. This Hmak Tui is a rare yet well-documented model, distinguished by its classic and easily identifiable aging characteristics, style of cord wrap, appearance of the lacquer, and, of course, the emanation of magical vibratory energies imbued within the sacred areca nut amulet by Luang Phu Iam.

Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang

Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang

Released in the era when Luang Phu Iam was already the abbot of Wat Hnang, in the decade between 2445 and 2450 BE. The amulet has been coated in Rak Dam Black Herbal lacquer, a common practice in ancient times to preserve amulets and ensure longevity. The Sacred Rak Boran ancient lacquer has developed distinctive character in its surface appearance over the years, displaying the natural aging characteristics expected of an authentic Pra Niyom Class Ancient Amulet.

Encyclopedic Records of Mak Tui amulets of Luang Por Iam

Encyclopedic Records of Mak Tui amulets of Luang Por Iam


The Hmak Tui is estimated to have been crafted around 2440 – 2450 BE. Luang Phu Iam started making amulets at an early stage, during the time he followed his mentor Luang Phu Rod at Wat Ko Non. His amulet-making journey began before the creation of his famous first-edition Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung and Pra Pid Ta Pid Tawarn, released at Wat Hnang around 2440 – 2443 BE.

Sacred Areca Nut amulet versions Luang Phu Iam

His renowned and highly valued Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung/Pid Tawarn were crafted from metallic alchemical metals after Luang Phu Iam became the abbot and were meticulously made one by one, following the same method as Pra Pid Ta Wat Tong of Luang Por Tap (No.1 Pra Pid Ta Amulet of all Time). Luang Phu Iam, a globally recognized master monk of the previous century, is acclaimed for the Pra Pid Ta amulets and especially for the Number 2 Amulet of the Top 5 ‘Benjapakee’ of Pra Pid Ta in all Thai Buddhist History, the Pra Pid Ta. His most celebrated creations include the Pra Pid Ta Yant Yung and Pra Pid Tawarn amulets.

Luang Phu Iam amulet encyclopedia

Luang Phu Iam amulet encyclopedia


Luang Phu Iam also produced a diverse array of other amulets, including his well-known hand-carved Pra Pid Ta, with many being original creations by different artisans using various sacred woods, ivory, and other materials. Luang Phu Iam holds the prestigious position as the No.2 Master in all of history, renowned for his Pra Pid Ta Amulets and his Rare and Powerful First Edition 2467 BE Monk Coin, which commands exceptionally high prices in auctions (Circa 100 Thousand Dollars).


Luang Phu Iam’s sacred amulets, encompassing his famous Takrut, the divine Pra Pid Ta pantheon, Rian Kanajarn Monk Coins, and Pra Pid Tawarn, resonate with the transcendent essence of Luang Phu Rod’s mastery. Devotees, deeply immersed in the mystical energy of these ascended masters, frequently adorn themselves with both Luang Phu Iam’s and Luang Phu Rod’s amulets, intertwining the spiritual forces of these revered monks on a single sacred necklace. This profound practice reflects the unwavering faith and profound connection believers hold for these great Thai ascended masters and the potent blessings encapsulated within their blessed artifacts.

Hmak Tui Mad Chueak Sacred Areca Nut Sacred Thai Talismanic amulet (2450 BE), from the Great Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang

Hmak Tui Mad Chueak Sacred Areca Nut Sacred Thai Talismanic amulet (2450 BE), from the Great Luang Phu Iam Wat Hnang

Takrut Luang Pu Jiam Wat Nong Yaw

A rare item indeed from the Great Luang Phu Jiam, Khmer Master Monk of the Surin Province – Four pairs of Takrut (totalling 8) bound onto a cord belt to wear around the waist, for Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud Protection, with the Power of Prayer Water Immersion in Traimas (3 month Trimester) Blessing imbued within.

This compendium magic belt is composed of four pairs of two Takrut Yantra Foil scroll spells measuring 2.5 Inches each in length, which were immersed in Holy Water for 3 Months, receiving Incantations throughout their traditional Traimas empowerment blessing.

Takrut Luang Pu Jiam 8 scrolls on magic belt

The amulets of Luang Phu Jiam (especially his monk coins and Takrut), became very popular with the Thai Armed Forces, after various incidents of soldiers who wore the amulet having escaped death in unexplainable circumstances, which caused the Takrut to receive news coverage.

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Above Image; Batallion Commander shows his 2522 BE Second Edition Takrut Koo Rian Luang Phu Jiam amulet off as he tells that the whole regiment wear this amulet as their preferred protector, due to their faith in Luang Phu Jiam and his powers of Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud. Another soldier is seen below in a parade, wearing Luang Phu Jiam’s famous ‘Takrut Koo Rian Luang Por Jiam Run Sorng Chae Nam Mont’ amulet.

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The Takrut See Koo (Takrut Paed Dork), is bound to a cord belt for easy wearing, and to cover all eight directions of time and space, covering and protecting you from all directions at the same time. The takrut are covered with a transparent tube but left open ended for the magic to flow into the skin, and the cord which passes through it shall carry its energies into the skin of the devotee. This is the method used in traditional olden days fashion, where the amulet should touch the skin directly, or through a suitable medium (such as the cord). This derives from the fact that olden days folk believed to allow the power of the amulet to work with maximum power, through skin contact (‘Sampat Phiw’).

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Below image; Luang Phu Jiam Adtisayō, of Wat Nong Yaw in Surin, emaciated in similar fashion to the classic image of the Lord Buddha as he exerted the austerities of eating one bird dropping a day until he realised the middle way.. The other monk attendiing is the great Luang Phu Hongs Prohmabanyo, of Wat Petchburi (Sussaan Tung Mon), in Surin, who is paying respects to this great Khmer Monk. Luang Phu Hongs was also highly revered by the Khmer People, who believe that he saved them from a bom which fell on the village where he was staying nearby in the forest.

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Biography and Patipatā of Luang Phu Jiam Adtisayō, Wat Intarasukaram (Wat Nong Yaw), in Surin Province.

The legendary Luang Phu Jiam Adtisayō (Pra Kroo Udom Worawaet), was a Surin Province master monk, who was incorruptible in his diligence of practice of the Dhamma Vinaya, and the ascetic life of the mendicant monk.

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He disassociated himself from all worldly attachments, focusing on the truth of impermanence, the unsatisfactoriness of refuging in impermanent things, and the not-self nature of all things, to attain enlightenment through liberation of the awakened wisdom mind. He was endowed with powerful psychic abilities which arose through his diligence of practice, and was revered by a massive congregation of devotees.

Luang Phu Jiam was born in Ban Don Rung, in Pratia Nia municipality of the County of Mangkalaburi in the Prpvince of Pra Dtabong, in Kampuchea. He was born on New Years Day the 1st january 2454 BE, which was a monday in the 13th phase of the lunar ascension of the second lunar month, in the year of the pig. He was the oldest child, and had two brothers and one sister.

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Luang Phu Jiam’s primary education was at the state school in Mangkalaburi, where he was able to study Khmer and French language according to the traditional Kampuchean (Khmer) laws.When he finished his primary education and started secondary school, he had to stop after a period of only 3 months into his first year. This was due to the poverty his family were experiencing and also because of the effect the Civil War was having on his country. He then worked hard to help his family by doing farming jobs and selling wares on the markets, and raised his family’s standard of living to keep them sustained throughout the time of difficulty.

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When he reached the age of 26, he was married to a young girl and had four children over the years that came. As he was a lover of his country and was very sad to see what was happening to it as it was currently suffering the French Invasion and Rule, he decided to help to do something about it, and bring his country back to a state of independence. And so he moved closer to the Khmer-Thai border with his family, and joined up with a group of rebels who were forming to go and fight against the French army.

But as they fought on, and time passed, they began to receive heavy damages from the French attacks, and were forced to flee over the border into Thailand, to avoid being defeated and killed. He planned to stay in Thailand for the group to reform and return to fight a renewed struggle against the French. He entered Thailand into the province of Surin in the year 2485 BE, traveling with a Khmer monk by the name of Pra Kroo Dee. The slept outside in the forest and by the waysides as they traveled, until they reached Sangka municipality. They remained around this area and sought work doing odd jobs,and eventually ended up coming to stay at the temple of Wat Taksin Waree Siri Sukh, in Ban Lam Duan.

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He offered his services and requested to be a devotee of the abbot, Luang Por Wang Tammachodto. He devoted himself to serving the needs of Luang Por Wang, and eventually, in the year 2501 BE, became so beloved by the abbot and the monks of the temple, that the abbot offered to be his sponsor and ordain him as a Bhikkhu. At this time he was already 47 years old. He was given the ‘Chāyā’ monk name of ‘Adtisayō’.

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Luang Por Wang was a famed Master of Wicha Akom (Buddha Magic), and bestowed his Wicha and their methods to Luang Phu Jiam, including the methods of empowering holy water, Takrut and other kinds of amulets. Once a year, Luang Phu Jiam would travel to learn and advance his magical Wicha with the great Luang Por Bprao Puttachodti of Wat Suwana Radtana Poti Wanaram. He learned how to bestow powerful blessings onto devotees with the spells he learned with this great Kroo Ba Ajarn of Surin.

TakrutPaed Dork Luang Phu Jiam Wat Nong Yaw

He developed the ability to ease the sufferings of the folk with his blessings, healing illnesses, and raising the poverty stricken into prosperity with Maha Lap blessings. The faith of the people in Luang Phu Jioam himself began to rise, and his popularity spread around the province, as devotees told stories of how their lives had improved after receiving his blessings.

Below; Luang Phu Jiam receives a visit from the Royal Family

Luang Phu Jiam and the Her Majesty the Queen

Tudong Tale

Luang Phu Jiam had now mastered his Wicha, and found his path, and so took off on Tudong forest wandering to gather his powers and fopcus them through the solitude of the forest and the detachment of constantly moving around, and not settling in one place. He traveled through the fegions of Northern Thailand, the North-East, the central and West-Central Regions, and around the forests of Laos, always avoidiing the settlements, and staying close to the mountains and caves in the forest.

During these years of Tudong, he met many great Tudong Forest Masters on his travels, who became his Kroo Ba Ajarn and bestowed him with the knowledge of their Wicha. He learned from many discussions and shared experiences, how to apply the proper methods of Samatha and Vipassana Kammathāna Meditation and Introspective Mindfulness practices.

Chueak Kart Aew Takrut Paed Dork Luang Phu Jiam Wat Nong Yaw

These are the true practices taught by the Buddha Sakyamuni, which lead to Enlightenment, and Arahantship. He spent a full 13 years developing his practice in this way, until one rainy retreat, he came to the temple of Wat Taksin Waree in the ear 2512 BE

Building of Wat Intrasukaram (Wat Nong Yaw)

After his stay at Wat Taksin Waree, on the 27th April, he returned to is practice of Tudong wandering, and as he was in the vicinity of Nong Yant village, the faithful devotees of the area came to where Luang Phu was meditating in the forest, and begged him to build a temple at Nong Yaw in Udom district of Choke Chai township, Sangka County of Surin Province. At fist of course he stayed in a sparse hut and developed a small ‘Samnak Songk’ Sangha Office.

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As the temple grew in size and its facilities, what was once a small Samnak Songk forest temple, had become a true temple with all the necessary installations to serve the community and the Monkdom. The temple was officially registered legally as a temple with the name of ‘Wat Intrasukaram’. Luang Phu Jiam devoted himself thereafter to teach the congregation to keep the 5 precepts of not killing, stealing, lying and slandering, adultery and intoxication, which are all unskilful acts and causes of future suffering, and to spread the Buddha-Dhamma to the folk.

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Amulets (Notable Editions)

Luang Phu Jiam being a Khmer monk, who possessed the many Wicha of the Tudong Masters, was often beseeched to make amulets for the congregations. So he made his first edition of amulets, the ‘Takrut Tone’ with a Rian Roop Muean coin in his image, and a Pra Gaew Morakot emeral Buddha amulet attached together on a cord as a compendium of Magical Spells and Buddhist Blessings. He would give them the amulets he would make, to increase their peace of mind, and bring them protection and prosperity.

Within a short period of time, the Legend of his amulets began to take hold, as it became apparent that the people who possessed them, were experiencing Miraculous events. This caused people to abound at the temple queuing up in throngs to beg Luang Phu Jiam for one of his Takrut with amulets attached to wear as a necklace. Luang Phu would inscribe each yantra foil individually and empower it and bind it to his amulets and give them to the devotees, to wear around their necks. Then people began to ask him to perform the exorcism of black magic curses and evil spirits, forest phantoms and ghosts, by spraying his Holy Water, so highly reputed for its Abti-Black-Magick powers.

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Apart from this, many soldiers would come to ask for his Takrut and monk Coin necklace to wear into battle for Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud protectio in their duty guarding the borders of the Nation. Luang Phu’s amulets became the talk of the nation, and entered the news for the many miraculous tales told by devotees who wore them. Luang Phu was then overwhelmed with the needs of the many devotees.

And so in the year 2515 BE, Luang Phu gave permission for the Kana Looksit comittee of devotees of the temple, to create an official edition of amulets for Metta Mahaniyom, Maha Lap, Klaew Klaad Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud Kaa Khaay Magic to help both those in need of protection, and those in need of prosperity, The Rian Roop Muean 1st edition Monk Coin was created iin numbers of 7000 amulets, with 7000 Takrut on cords for attachment to the coins.

In the year 2522 BE, the second edition Rian Sema was released, along with the Takrut Tone Koo Nuea Tong Daeng, so jealously guarded by the Devotees of this Inimitably pure and diligent monk, Luang Phu Jiam.

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In the year 2537, Somdej pra Nang Jao Pra Boroma Rachininath Her Majesty the Queen of Thailand traveled to visit Luang Phu Jiam in a personal manner to discuss the Dhamma. On that occasion, Luang Phu Jiam gave a Pra Kring Roop Muean ‘Run Rap Sadej’ (Royal Visitation Edition) amulet to Her Majesty as a Memento, from the edition he had made for this occasion.

IN the year 2546, Luang Phu Jiam gave permission once more to create a new edition of amulets, called the ‘Run Munlaniti Adtisayō’ (Adtisayo Foundation Inauguration Edition).. This edition was marked especially of interest, as it which was made in the ancient ‘Lor Boran’ method of alchemical metallurgy.

Takrut Chueak Kart Aew 8 Yantra scroll spell Luang Por Jiam

Below; Her Majesty the Queen with Luang Phu Jiam, with his famous Takrut amulets in the foreground.

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When counting the official editions made by Luang Phu Jiam himself, and those made by his Devotee Comittee, somewhere around 50 different editions of amulets can be confirmed to exist. His amulets are far and few to come across these days, and are highly treasured by those who have the good fortune and honour to possess one of the amazing amulets of Luang Phu Jiam Adtisayō.

On Friday 1st September 2549 BE, Luang Phu Jiam passed away, and the Monks of Wat Intrasukaram sounded the gong to let the devotees know that they had lost their beloved Kroo Ba Ajarn, who had passed on to the next Realm of existence.He was cremated after a 15 day period of mourning where he was placed on show in a glass coffin for his devotees to bid farewell and receive his blessings from beyond the grave.

Wua Tanu Wat Khoeng Khaw 2518 BE

Presenting you with a very rare chance to see this powerful and popular animist charm from the year 2518 BE, released at Wat Khoeng Khaw in Chiang Mai, with blessings from a Host of Great Master Monks including the Great Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam, of Wat Ta Sung, in Utai Thani, and Luang Phu Kam Saen.

The legend of the sacred Wua Tanu of the temple of Wat Khoeng Khaw, Comes from the fact that Luang Phu Kam Saen of Wat Sri Don Moon, and Luang Phu Bun Rat of Wat Khoeng Khaw were very close friends, and in the year 2518 BE, at Wat Pha Don Moon, LP Kam Saen bestowed the Dtamra Grimoire Secret Methods of the Wicha Wua Tanu upon Luang Por Rat, as well as demonstrating the methods of making the sacred chanuan muan sarn materials and the magical methods of forging and casting the images with alchemical metallurgy.

Wua Tanu Wat Khoeng Khaw 2518 BE Blessed by LP Ruesi Ling Dam and KB Kam Saen

Wua Tanu Wat Khoeng Khaw 2518 BE Blessed by LP Ruesi Ling Dam and KB Kam Saen


LP Kam Saen was very old already, and was afraid to die without passing on the secrets of the Wicha, which would be a loss to the world, and become one more lost Wicha that has not been preserved.

In this case of the first demonstration, he showed him the method used by those who did not have access to metallic forges, and so constructed and empowered a Wua Tanu effigy using Mai Hwaay Pha Seek, which is a magical form of Rattan wood, which are split into strips and used to weave the form of the effigy.

Wua Tanu 2518 BE Wat Khoeng Khaw


He carved it and shaped it into the form of the Wua Tanu and completed the invocations, inscriptions and incantations necessary, and handed it to Luang Phu Bun Rat. Luang Phu Kroo Ba Rat later also received the Wicha Wua Tanu of the Great Kroo Ba Chum of Wat Wang Mui, which Luang Phu Bun Rat said resembled the Wicha of Luang Phu Kroo Ba Kam Saen in every detail.

Luang Phu Bun Rat thus began to make Wua Tanu amulets using the Wicha given from the Dtamra of both these two Great Lanna Masters. Luang Phu Bun Rat took all of his Wua Tanu to give to Kroo Ba Kam Saen at Wat Pha Don Moon, for him to perform solo empowerment. After this empowerment session was performed, Kroo Ba Kam Saen told Luang Phu Bun Rat that he should not distribute the Wua Tanu yet, and should keep them first for a time, because in the future, a time will come when many people will come to seek the Wua Tanu. So for this reason, Luang Phu Bun Rat kept the Wua Tanu in his keeping, but took them to a number of other Kroo Ba Ajarn for solo empowerment from each Master, including Luang Phu Kroo Ba Chum of Wat Wang Mui, LP Kam Saen of Wat Suan Dork, Luang Phu Kroo Ba Dhamma Chai of Wat Tung Luang, Kroo Ba Chaya Wongsa of Wat Pra Puttabat Huay Dtom.

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He even took them down to Bangkok to ask Luang Phu Seng of Wat Kanlayanamit (The Master of the Dtamnan Bam Montr Bua Ban Flowering Lotus Holy Water Wicha), for him to perform empowerment over the Wua Tanu.

Above and beyond these events, the Great Luang Por Ruesi Ling Dam took these amulets and blessed them in a large number of Buddha Abhiseka blessing ceremonies around Thailand, because he would travel to Wat Khoeng Khaw every year for the Kathina robe giving ceremonies, and so would take them back and forth each time he visited.


The amulet is most often presented in Thai amulet circles as being the Wua Tanu of LP Ruesi Ling Dam, but is in fact the Wua Tanu of Wat Khoeng Khaw, which has the blessings and empowerment of so many great Masters of the time, that the amulet has become a popular member of the pantheon of all of the monks and temple involved with its empowerment.

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Devotees of any or all of these Masters can safely regard the amulet as being in direct spiritual connection with their chosen Master, as well as being sure that this Wua Tanu must have immense magical power to protect your household and wealth, and fend off black magic, demons and ghosts, and bring prosperity and good fortune, and happiness to your family household and prosperity to your business.

Kata Wua Tanu

How to use Wua Tanu

You can use Wua Tanu to watch over your house,or mark a safe area around the house, or any place where there is strong Magic. To do this, you need four Wua Tanu, and a bowl of pure water in a Khan Nam Montr vessel.

Then take the Wua Tanu and place them in the Khan Nam Montr (prayer water bowl). Then focus your mind into meditation, and think of the Buddha Dhamma and Sangha, the Deities and Kroo Ba Ajarn, and Ajarn Somrach, and empower the prayer water by chanting the Kata into it and projecting your thoughts into the water as you blow three times into the bowl.

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Take the four Wua Tanu, and bury them in the Earth in the four Cardinal directions. If it is a house, that has no earth to be able to dig, then the Wua Tanu should be placed in the four outer corners of the house,and the prayer water should be sprinkled around the area to be protected. If you have a Kuman Tong or other forms of Phuudt or Prai which you make Bucha offerings to in the house, then you must tell the Wua Tanu by stating who is allowed to enter and leave the protected area and who not.

It is a good idea to also state that any ghosts or beings that are benevolent and will bring help or auspicious blessings should be allowed to enter. In truth the Wua Tanu is a kind of ‘Hun Payont’ Golem, but in animal form, instead of Human. Instilled with powerful Anti Black Magic and Protective spells to prevent thieves, demons, sorcery and curses from entering the household or vicinity around them. The Wua Tanu also Possesses the Magical power to help attract Business, Gambling and Lottery success. They possess multiple powers, ranging from protection against black magick and deadly dangers, ward off enemies, and Seduce Others. Animist spirit assistants of this type work as a kind of invisible guardian and valet, who cares for your safety and well being, protecting and nourishing.

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Using to make Holy Water (Nam Montr)

If you want to make Nam Montr to remove the power of magic from a person place or object, or to banish demons and spirits, or exorcise a person who is possessed, then you must make the Nam Montr in the same way as previously explained. But this time you need to use only one Wua Tanu. Then hold the Wua Tanu in your hands and enter Samadhi meditation, focusing as strongly as possible on the Merits of the Buddha.

Chant Na Mo Dtassa Pakawadto Arahadto Sammaa Samputtassa 3 times, and ask for the Power and grace of the Triple Gem the Angels and Deities and Brahmas, Kroo Ba Ajarn (your teachers), and the power of the Mythic Wua Tanu to make the prayer water powerful and endowed with the ability to remove all forms of black magic and evil influence (you can specify particular purposes if you wish to be more detailed in the function of the Nam Montr).

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Once you have chanted the Kata of empowerment, you should breathe deeply inwards and blow three times on the Wua Tanu, and lower it into the Khan Nam Montr until it is submerged under the surface of the prayer water.

Then you can use the water for drinking, cleaning yourself and the like to remove any magic spells or unlucky influences. You can wear or carry the Wua Tanu with you, or put it in your vehicle as a protection from accidents of all kinds. If there are ever any visitations or experiences with contacting dark entities, all you need to do is dedicate some of the fruits of your merits to them, and think of Wua Tanu, and they will disappear.

Kata Wua Tanu

(always chant ‘Namo Dtassa pakawadto Arahadto Samputtassa 3 times before any other Kata)

Then Chant the Hnun Taat See (Invocation of the four elements)

Na Ma Na A – Nor Gor Na Ga – Gor Or Nor A – Na A Ga Ang (3 times)

Om Kono Kono Wua Tanu Gao Panwaa Saay Dtaa Gao Pan Muay Tiaw Plaay Duay Tuk Kam Chao Bpen Jao Gae Fhoong Phii Tang Hlaay Puudt Phii lae Phii Prai Chin Hai Dtaay Ya Hai La Thoi Ju Lai Ju Sitti Puttang Sitti Tammang Sitti Sangkang Sitti Swaaha Pa Ta Na Ma
Kata Wua Tanu Tong

Kata Wua Tanu Lanna

Om Kho No Kho No – Wua Tanoo Gao Pan Nork Saay Rort Gao Panwaa Saay Dtaa – Gao Pan Muay Tiaw Bpraay Duay Tuk Kam Shao Bpen Jao Gae Foong Phii Tang Hlaay – Phuudt Phii – Phii Prai Chon Hai Dtaay Yaa Dai Laa Thoy Joo Lai Joo Sitti Puttang Sitti Tammang Sitti Sangkang Sitti Swaaha

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Khiaw Hmoo Gae Suea Luang Por Sawai

Thailand Amulets presents an all time classic and essential rarity, of one of the Great Guru Monks of the Transitional Era (Pre-Post 2500 BE), the Sacred Khiaw Hmoo Dtan (solid not hollow anomaly) Wild Boar’s Tooth carved Palad Khik with Tiger and Sariga Yantra spell Inscriptions, and Carved Tiger on the hilt from Luang Por Sawai, of Wat Bridaram. The Carved Talismanic Animist Charms with their famous and instantly recognisable Hand Inscriptions of Luang Por Sawai, are amongst the most highly sought after and preferred amulets of Luang Por’s Pantheon, and are very rare to encounter.

Carved Boars Tusk Talismanic Charm Luang Por Sawai Wat Bridaram

Carved Boars Tusk Talismanic Charm with exquisitely made hand spell inscriptions, from Luang Por Sawai, of Wat Bridaram

This exhibit is carved from a Wild Boars Tusk into the shape of a Palad Khik Lingam with a Tiger seated on the hilt of the Lingam. The tusk is not just any old Boars Tusk, rather, ‘Khiaw’ Dtan’. Khiaw Dtan is a tusk that has no hollow inner, which is very rare anomaly, and seen to be powerful magic especially for Kong Grapan Chadtri and Maha Amnaj.

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We recommend you make a user account with the store (can create account in checkout)  if you buy this amulet, as then you will access six different Kata Chanting Tutorial Downloads in the Files Section of Your Account Profile, which come with this amulet

1. Kata Sariga Master Incantation Enchantment Spell

2. Kata Nok Sariga – Compendium of Short Supplementary Chants

3. Kata Paya Rachasri Himapant Lion Chant for Power

4. Kata Suea for Tiger Wicha Amulets and Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos

5. Kata Bucha for Palad Khik Amulets

6. Kata Bucha Luang Por Sawai Wat Bridaram

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This talismanic charm amulet is imbued with a multitude of different types of Magic which complete the powers needed for almost all walks of life, with the Wicha Suea Tiger Magic, fyued with the Wicha Sariga Celestial Magpie and the Wicha Palad Khik.

Kata Bucha Nok Sariga

The shaft of the Palad Khik has inscriptions of the Yant Suea Tiger Wicha, for Maha Pokasap Maha Amnaj Maha Ud Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad, and the Head of the Palad Khik has the Inscription of the Yant Sariga Celestial Magpie spell, for Metta Maha Niyom Maha Sanaeh Jerajaa Kaa Khaay Magic.

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Kroo Sathidt Chodtikun (Luang Por Sawai Thidtawanno), was an elder monk of the pre 2500 BE generation of Guru Masters, who was born in 2464 BE in Ayuttaya, and became the abot of Wat Bridaram in Nakorn Pathom. His father’s name was ‘Suea’ (meaning ‘Tiger’) and his Mother’s name was ‘Yim’ (meaning ‘Smile’). Luang Por Sawai became known as one of the Great masters of Nakorn Pathom Province, but indeed is highly revered by Devotees in Ayuttaya too, for he was born there.

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Luang Por Sawai passed away during Loi Kratong period, on the 11th November, in the year 2543 BE. He was known for his powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad Maha Amnaj (Commanding Power & Dominion) carved hand inscribed talismans. Luang Por Sawai’ possesses great fame for this kind of ‘Krueang Rang’ Talisman is legendary.

Below; another classic example of Palad Khik Luang Por sawai with his inimitable inscriptions, including the Sariga Birds on the head of the Palad Khik, for your comparison, and to reveal the signature details of the hand inscriptions which Luang Por Sawai used for his Carved Talismanic Charms.

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All of his carved talismans are equally popular, be it the carved Khiaw Moo Dtan solid Boar Tooth, Palad Khik carved from tooth, ivory, bone, wood and coral, or his other animist charms. His Muan Sarn Sacred Powders amulets are manyfold and also highly revered, and well documented in encyclopaedic works.

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Above; The tip of the tusk has Luang Por Sawai’s highly recognisable Sariga Birds engraved into the head of the Palad Khik

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Luang Por Sawai’s Patipatā (practice and diligence), was highly regarded by devotees all around Thailand, for his great Purity and Meritorious Behaviour and Charitable Acts became heard of far and wide. The power of his amulets and the stories of success, is of course an additional factor involved in the cause of Luang Por Sawai becoming such a popular and famous Master for his Talismanic Charms.

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Luang Por Sawai is highly renowned for his Mastery of the Yant Maha Gamnerd Narai ‘Birth of Vishnu’ Spell, which is said to be amongst the most powerful and Universally Effective Magic Spells in the Dtamra Saiyawaet of Vedic and Khmer Sorcery

Kata Bucha Luang Por Sawai of Wat Bridaram.

Use for Bucha to Luang Por Sawai, and his amulets, and especially those with the image of tiger will have great benefits from this Kata also. Those who are familiar with Tiger Wicha amulets will notice the presence of certain phrases which are invovations or praises to the Payakka Tiger. This is part of Luang Por Sawai’s Wicha, and even his own father was named ‘Tiger’, and the Tiger Wicha is one of the various Animist Talismanic Spells he mastered during his lifetime. The Kata works for any amulet of Luang Por Sawai or for paying Reverence to Luang Por Sawai himself (Bucha).

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Luang Por Sawai was a Gaeji Ajarn Master of the Nakorn Pathom Province, which is the land where the Dhavaradi Period of Buddhism arose, and is known as the ‘Daen Sri Dhavaradi’. Nakorn Pathom is the location of the Great Pathom Chedi first Stupa which is said to commemorate the Buddha’s first place of resting when his alleged journey to Siam took place. Thai Buddhist legend states that the Buddha did visit what was then still Suvarnabhumi before the Chakri Kingdom of Siam arose, and that he stopped to rest where the Great Chedi Stupa of Nakorn Pathom now stands. This Chedi is the oldest Chedi well over 1000 years old, and was built to commemorate the Buddha’s first resting place in Siam.

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His famous Palad Khik, Khiaw Moo, and of course his final edition Takrut Bailan 100 Pi are amongst the many world famously powerful (and beautiful!) amulets of his pantheon to be accepted and highly regarded by the amulet appreciation societies of Thailand. The amulets of Luang Por Sawai are seen to grace the pages of encyclopaedic volumes of amulet aficionado societies, and has enjoyed a place of high status in national amulet magazines over the last few decades.

Kata Suea

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This Palad Khik is carved from a piece of natural Tusk, and has been inscribed with a mass of sacred Khom agkhara spell inscriptions, and Yant. The true ancient formula of inscriptions of the Dtamra Palad Khik are most impressively inscribed on the surface of the most difficult to fashion tusk. The Yant Suea Phaen ‘Leaping Tiger Yantra” is inscribed with immense detail, and a host of Khom Agkhara Inscriptions embellishing its power, with Invocations of Tiger Magic.

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The invocations and awakening and turning of the four elements were performed, the heart Mantra to awaken the Palad Khik (Kata Hua Jai Jone – Heart of the Gangster Kata), and the Akarn 32 Incantation to reanimate it and bring it to life, with the spirit of the Magic of the Suea (tiger), Sariga (Celestial Magpie), and the Lingam of Shiva Wicha Palad Khik.

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The Palad Khik is an Ancient Wicha, whose development can be traced right back to the Vedic Brahman Occult practices of Thousands of Years ago. Palad Khik amulets must be empowered by the repetition of incantations, which Thais call ‘Kata Bucha’. Kata Bucha are derived from the Devanagari word ‘ghata poojah’.

Luang Por Sawai

The incantations for Palad Khik depend on the creator’s lineage in each school of traditional Animist magic, but in truth, one can use any or all of the many different Kata given for Palad Khik..

Kata Bucha Palad Khik

Ganha Nē Ha – Na Ma Pa Ta

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Ja Pa Ga Sa – Na Mo Put Taa Ya – Gan Ha Nē Ha Na – Ma Pa Ta – Om Siwaling – Sabbha Metta – Sabbha Pokaa – Sabbha Laapo – Sabbha Tanaa – Sabbha Yasa – Sabbha Pranee – Sabbha Mangalaani Bhavantume – Om Laluay Mahaa Laluay Samsip Sorng Hee Hae Hom Lorm Dtorm Kuay Khor Hai Guu Ram Ruay Pro Hua Kuay An Nii Da Daa Di Dii Duu Dii Hee Maa Kuay Maa Burut Maa Dii Sadtrii Mii Maa Swaa Home

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Below is a Tutorial for Chanting the Kata Palad Khik


Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Prakot Khaen Pirod Ancient Warriors armband, a very old amulet made from plaided Corpse Cloth Yantra Sinjana Cords with Ancient China Lacquer, an extremely rare talismanic ancient Amulet of Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan. Made Circa 2450 – 2460 BE or earlier. The Prakot Khaen merasures 12 Inches long (hoop 2 Inches), allowing a 10 inch diameter span. This item is an extreme rarity and a top collector’s talismanic amulet of master class status. The Prakot Khaen was a magical ritual regalia for warriors in olden days to protect themselves in battle, which became also a ritual ceremonial wear of Muay Thai Warriors as Wartimes became a thing of the past, and modern times preserved the tradition with the Martial Art of Muay Thai.

Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Pre 2460 BE Ancient Amulet Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Pre 2460 BE Ancient Amulet Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Luang Por Muang Jantasaro, of Wat Ban Tuan, Amper Ban Tuan, Kanjanaburi Province, is an Old Gaeji Ajarn Guru Monk of Great Fame who was in his Heyday during the First World War. He was around in the same era as the Great Luang Por Ngern of Wat bang Klan and was a very famous and revered Master during those days.

His most famous and sought after ancient amulets were and are now more than ever, his Rian Pum Luang Por Muang (differing faces Hnaa Hnum and Hnaa gae/Young Old Face) of 2460 and also his Waen Pirod Warrior Rings of Protection, which are even more extremely rare to find these days. Even during the time he was still alive, is Waen Pirod were a most sought after item, and anybody who owned one would be unable to convince to part with it.

Macro closeup of Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Macro closeup of Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Nowadays, his Waen Pirod are amongst some of the rarest items to be found in Thai Amulet collectorship, in the ‘Krueang Rang’ (Occult Talismans) Category of Amulets. Serious Collectors and Devotees of Essentially Rare amulets and Talismans in the Thai Collector scene are known to be very fervent about wanting to own a Waen Pirod of Luang Por Muang, which are so difficult to find, as to make them the dream of many a collector. In the below picture we can see the true ageing characteristics of the rak chart daeng ancient red chinese lacquer used, which has blackened over the passage of a century or more

Most ‘Sian Pra’ (expert collectors and traders) will not sell their Waen/Khaen Pirod, but will only place it in competition or on show for admiration of such an old amulet of historical importance, but hardly ever are prepared to part with them for any price.

This is because those in the know, are aware that Luang Por Muang did not make so many of these rings, for the fact that his method of making them adhered to the Ancient Wicha and that this meant, that the extremely complex methods used limited the amount he was able to make. So he never made that many, and would also not hand them out easily to just anybody, because he never made them in any mass quantities.

In those days, Guru masters would not allow their devotees to assist in making mass productions, and so with old amlets, each amulet would pass only through the hands of the master and be self made and self empowered (this rule of course, does not apply to the case of smelted coins of course, and is specifically true for talismans, Takrut and similar hand made amulets). Luang Por did not make them for fundraising or other reasons, and would only make them for special reasons in special circumstances, for specific persons or reasons.

Their magic power is also unquestioned, for the way that Luang Por Muang would perform his Ritual Method of creating and empowering these rings of power in the ancient traditional method of applied Wicha (Sorcery).

He would use ‘Pha Hor Sop Dtaay Hoeng’ (cloth used to wrap Hoeng Prai corpses who died in sudden circumstances – a prerequisite for Prai Necromantic Sorcery power to be at its most powerful) cloth for their making. He use the full and complete ‘Dtamra’ (formula of legend) of the Wicha used to make old amulets during the Ancient Ayuttaya period, which he had recieved passed down to him from his lineage Masters, which was used by the first Kings of Thailand (Pra Naresuan Maharaj).

Once he has made and bound the rings into their shape and form, he would then perform Invocations and Ritual Methods of Empowerment, and then throw the rings into the blazin ritual fire. If the ring would birn, then he would destory it and not use it, for this would mean that not enough Samadi Meditative Concentration had been applied, and would begin again and make a new ring. Only the rings which did not burn in the fire, would be used. Those rings which proved through the fire test that they possessed true power, would be taken and covered in herbal lacquer to make them last for centuries (Pirod means burning flame, hence ‘Waen Pirod’ means Flaming Ring – and is fireproof).

Luang Por Muang Jantasaro of Wat Ban Tuan

Luang Por Puang Jantasaro – Gaeji Ajarn of Wat Ban Tuan


Luang Por would use a reddish lacquer similar to Chinese lacquer which was used in those days, but which turns black in time. He would dip the rings many times to get a thick coating, but this kind of lacquer would slowly crack and form small openings as the years passed hy, which is part of the immense beauty and attraction of the Waen Pirod of Luang Por Muang.

To authenticate and know what a real Waen Pirod (for indeed such a sought after item has many forgeries around) one should know to examing the lacquer and see the slight cracks and the beige brownish sinjana cord and corpse cloth within that is visible through the cracks of the lacquer. One should also notice small areas of reddish tints where the original red lacquer color still resonates through the darkened lacquer surface.

Macro closeup of the ageing characteristics pf the ancient red Chinese lacquer and sinjana corpse cords and true ageing characteristics of the Muan Sarn used to make the Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Macro closeup of the ageing characteristics pf the ancient red Chinese lacquer and sinjana corpse cords and true ageing characteristics of the Muan Sarn used to make the Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Kata Waen Pirod

Om Pra Pirod Khord Pra Pinai

(Chant 9 Times when placing the ring on or hanging it on your neckchain for wearing)

Om Pra Pinai Klaay Pra Pirod

(Chant 9 times when removing the ring, or taking of your neckchain or pendant holder)

Luang Por Muang’s famous Hwaen and Khaen Pirod and Chueak Kart Aew are reputed to have many magical powers, amongst them are said to be invincibility and safety in dangerous situations, as well as in the olden days as people would have to enter the deep jungle, that the ring will protect agains all sorts of dangeorus animals, ghosts and demons, and poisonous beats such as cobras, scorpions and hunting animals such as the tiger. Demons and Prai Hian Ghosts will not dare to approach. Maha Ud (gunstopper), and protection agains all sorts of weaponry. This is a truly ancient amulet, and is is roughty one century old.


Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Ancient Warrior Magic Armband - Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan

Prakot Aew Long Rak Chart Jeen Boran Ancient Warrior Magic Armband – Luang Por Muang Wat Ban Tuan