Takrut Hnang Suea Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat00011

Presenting a Legendary Ancient Takrut Hnang Suea Kong Grapan Chadtri Tiger amulet, over a Century Old, made from Hnaa Pak Suea, wrapped with cord binding and Rak Chaat red lacquer, from the Great Olden days Guru Master, Luang Por Glan, of Wat Prayatikaram, in Ayuttaya’.

Luang Por Glan was known to be highly Adept with a large number of Magical Wicha, be it the Wicha Fan Dab (Swordfighting), or the Science and Art of fighting with Ancient Weaponry. Luang Por had Mastered the Secret Ancient Wicha Kong Grapan Chadtri, of the Olden days Sorceror Warriors, who used Magic to protect them in Wars. This Takrut is Wicha Suea Tiger Skin Wicha and is powerful Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Amnaj.

 Takrut Hnang Suea Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat

Takrut Hnang Suea Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat

Luang Por Glan’s Fame for Magical prowess caused many people to come and satisfy their curiosity as to whether Luang Por’s Magic was as powerful as rumour had it, and would come to the temple to test him out. Luang Por Glan always knew beforehand and sensed it, when a devotee was approaching to try to test his Magic and his Abilities.


One day a very influential and feared ‘Nak Leng’ (Mafia Gangster) from another Province, came to ask to test his Wicha, and Luang Por Glan agreed, and began by inviting the gangster to shoot at a piece of white cloth Luang Por would throw into the air.

The gangster shot at it, but the cocked hammer fell on the bullet and the bullet remained in the gun. The only sound was that of the metal Hammer of the gun hitting against the bullet. Then Luang Por asked the Gangster to shoot into the sky, which he did, and the gun fired as normal, with a very loud bang. Luang Por Glan then told the Gangster to shoot at another piece of white cloth, and threw it into the air. The Gangster fired at it, but once more, the gun clicked, the bullet remained in the gun, and the devotees gasped in amazement, as did the Gangster. The Gangster was filled with respect and reverence, and prostrated in humble appreciation of the powerful magic of Luang Por Glan.

Below, some of the inimitable styles of cord wrap used by the various artisans of the preferred models of Takrut Luang Por Glan

Takrut Luang Por Glan Cord Wrapping styles

Another famous Wicha of Luang Por Glan, was the Wicha Look Bao (Wicha Chadtri). The wicha Look Bao is a Wicha based in Kong Grapan Yuu Kong Invincibility magic. This Wicha would allow very heavy objects to be placed onto a person, but the objects will feel light and weightless, and be unable to crush the person.

The Wicha was proven with Luang Por Glan’s devotees by performing the test pf throwing a very heavy stone onto the devotee after the Wicha was administered to them (usually as a Sak Yant Tattoo or as a Spell blown onto the devotee). The wight of the stones would be enough to break the neck of any person under usual circumstances, but the devotees would feel nothing. This became the method of finalising the spell by throwing the stone onto the devotee after receiving the blessing, as the ‘Khuen Kroo’ ritual, to invoke the Guru (Kroo Ruesi) to protect and bless the devotee.

Luang Por Glan , was the Kroo Ba Ajarn of the Great Luang Por An, who inherited the position of Abbot of Wat Prayat after the passing of Luang Por Glan. Luang Por Glan was one of the Greatest Masters of his Era, continuing the Ancient Wicha from his truly Olden days Kroo Ba Ajarn LP Muang who he inherited , at Wat Pradoo Song Tam.

It is said that the Great Luang Por An (Wat Prayatikaram), was once practicing Vipassana Kammathana Mindfulness Meditations in the Uposatha Shrineroom at Wat prayat during the time that he was still practicing under the tutelage of Luang Por Glan, and that, as he was meditating in the Uposatha, he saw Luang Por Glan walk in, sit down in front of him, and start speaking to teach him some more advanced methods.

Takrut Hnang Suea Kroeng Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat

Takrut Hnang Suea Kroeng Luang Por Glan Wat Prayat

The strange thing was, that Luang Por An knew that Luang Por Glan was over in the Kuti Building conversing with Devotees who had come to beseech his Wisdom and Spiritual Advice. he then realised that Luang Por Glan was able to be in two places at the same time, by sending a nimitta vision of himself into the Uposadha to teach his apprentice Luang Por An!

Luang Por Glan

The Takrut of Luang Por Glan are highly renowned for their immense Kong Grapan Chadtri Maha Ud power, and are known to be empowered with the Kata and Yant Pra Puttakun, Pra Tammakun, Pra Sangkakun (Pra Trai Soranakom), the Wicha of the Kata Pra Baramee 30 Tat, and the Wicha Pra Jao Sip Chaat (10 Jataka).

Kata Pluk Takrut Koo Cheewit Luang Por Glan

Do Sandtang Dtang Siila Samaati Do Sandtandti Tamma Radtano Do Sandtandtoe Tamma Thaanang Do Sandtangdtang Namaa Mihang Do Sandtandtandti

Below; Takrut Sariga of Luang Por Glan, another type of his Takrut showing the same artisanry in cord wrapping technique as in this exhibit.

Takrut Sariga Luang Por Glan jpg